The internet revolution has transformed our entire lifestyle and associated activities.
Whether purchasing or selling, the internet business is driving leads in a booming manner around the world. So, the entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts who are willing to set up an online business in Dubai require a Dubai E-commerce license.
However, if you are new in Dubai and unaware of the procedure for setting up your Fresh Business, you need assistance. And Dubai Business Zone, here, comes with the advantages of years of industry experience, understanding of laws and regulations, and wide networking among the legal authorities that ease accessing the business license in Dubai.
1. Aspiring Entrepreneurs/Business Enthusiasts
Whenever any business arrives in the country, it impacts the economy and, ultimately, its GDP. Dubai, being a Business friendly and technology-driven city, is also the heart of UAE. So, The Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) hardly denies your application of obtaining an e-commerce license if you know the right way.
So, to avoid mishappenings, the Dubai Business Zone has planned a strategic procedure to obtain an E-Commerce license in Dubai at best in the following step. Let’s get to know them one by one:
2. Plan a Legal Business Structure
Firstly, make sure what your company represents: is it a one-person company?, an LLC (Limited Liability Company), a representative office, or a branch of a parent company? To conclude, specify where and with who you stand.
3. Confirm Your Business Location
Do not misunderstand the location of your office or operating area. It is a place where you acquired your e-commerce license. The free zone and the mainland are the two Dubai Business Zones. The former allows 100% ownership & the latter requires a local sponsor with ownership of 51%, and the rest is yours to operate independently. So, choose accordingly.
4. Register Your Company’s Trade Name
Opting for a unique trade name multiplies your chance of getting attention. And always consider similar domain names to ease the googling process; otherwise, confusion could be the biggest turnoff to your Business.
5. Apply for the E-commerce license
The department of economic development issues licenses, trade name registration, and initial approval at the legalized fee of AED 10,000. However, The free zone setup requires a permit from the respective authority, which has its procedure. Hence, your business nature decides which one has to be considered.
6. Submit Application To Obtain The Initial Approval certificate
The initial approval certificate is a green signal to your hustle of setting up an E-commerce business in Dubai. A non-renewable NOC (No objection certification) is valid for six months. Surprisingly, you can apply for the initial approval certificate and trade name approval application together.
7. Draft MOA and Local Service Agent Agreement
If you are going for a mainland company setup, then a Memorandum of association (MOA) draft is necessary by describing arrangements and percentage of ownership. However, unlike the mainland, the free zone does not require such a procedure, so it is better to skip it.
8. Hire space for your office
In the journey to get your license, hiring or renting a space for the physical presence of your office is the next crucial step as it has been made mandatory to have an office by the legal authorities of Dubai.
9. Customs & Posts registration ( if willing to import & export)
Import/ export can be possible by having an importer’s code, which can be registered by the ports & customs authorities. So, If your company lies under the mainland, then there is a need; if it is free zoned, then no need as the concerned company has to operate within the free zone.
10. Opening a corporate bank account
As you get your E-commerce Business license & Business registered successfully, you can now open a corporate bank account as per your needs and demands.
All in one!
As the best business setup agency for the mainland and the Free zone in Dubai, Dubai Business Zone knows better approaches. So, without wasting further time, book an appointment.
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