Re-Entry Permits - Dubai Residency Visa


The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a popular destination for expatriates, offering a high standard of living, excellent job opportunities, and a favorable tax regime. In recent years, the government has implemented a number of measures to attract and retain foreign talent, including the introduction of long-term residency visas. However, one of the drawbacks of these visas has been the requirement for holders to spend a certain amount of time in the country each year. This has made it difficult for some expats to travel outside of the UAE for extended periods of time, without losing their visa status.

What is a Re-Entry Permit?

In a move that is set to benefit many UAE residents, the government has announced that residency visa holders who stay outside the country for over six months can now apply for a re-entry permit. The re-entry permit is valid for six months and can be renewed for a further six months if necessary. This new regulation means that expats who have been away from the UAE for an extended period of time can return to the country without having to reapply for their visas.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the permit, the applicant must hold a valid UAE residency visa and have been outside of the country for more than six months. They must also provide evidence of their residency status, such as a tenancy contract or utility bill, to show that they have a genuine connection to the UAE.

Benefits of the Re-Entry Permit

This new regulation is a significant development for expats in the UAE, as it means that they can now travel outside of the country for extended periods of time without having to worry about losing their residency status. This will be particularly beneficial for those who need to travel for work or personal reasons, such as family emergencies or medical treatment.

In addition to the benefits for individuals, this new regulation is also likely to have positive implications for the UAE’s economy. By allowing expats to travel freely without the risk of losing their visa status, the government is likely to retain more foreign talent and encourage new investment in the country. This is especially important as the UAE continues to diversify its economy and reduce its reliance on oil revenues.


The introduction of the re-entry permit reflects the government’s commitment to improving the quality of life for expats in the UAE. By addressing one of the major challenges faced by residency visa holders, the government is demonstrating its willingness to listen to the needs of its foreign residents and make changes that benefit them. Overall, the new regulation allowing residency visa holders to apply for a re-entry permit is a welcome development for expats in the UAE. It provides much-needed flexibility for those who need to travel for work or personal reasons and demonstrates the government’s commitment to improving the quality of life for foreign residents.

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