Dubai CommerCity

Dubai CommerCity is the Middle East’s premier free zone focused exclusively on e-commerce. It provides a strategic location and advanced facilities to boost the growth of online businesses.

Located near Dubai International Airport and featuring a robust infrastructure, it offers entrepreneurs and established companies a unique opportunity to thrive in the expanding e-commerce market.

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Exploring Dubai CommerCity

Dubai CommerCity, covering an area of 2.1 million square feet and constructed with an investment nearing $1 billion, is the region’s pioneering hub for e-commerce.

The hub’s proximity to Dubai International Airport adds to its advantages. Designed with the growth of digital businesses in mind, Dubai CommerCity offers a supportive ecosystem for your company’s expansion.

The facilities are organized into three main areas, each outfitted with the latest technology to enhance business competitiveness:

  • The Business Cluster: Features premium Grade A offices that are available for leasing. These spaces comply with the ‘Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design’ standards for sustainability.
  • The Logistics Cluster: Equipped with communal storage spaces and modular Light Industrial Units (LIU), all utilizing solar power to minimize environmental impact.
  • The Social Cluster: A dynamic area filled with retail stores, dining options, and venues suitable for conferences and exhibitions.

As you can see, Dubai CommerCity is a fully integrated e-commerce hub designed to cater to the modern needs of digital business enterprises.

Company Type in Dubai CommerCity

  • Public Limited Liability Company (PLLC): No limit on the number of shareholders. Suited for companies intending to list shares on a securities market.
  • Free Zone Company (FZC): Can have 1-50 shareholders, whether individuals or corporate entities. Minimum share capital is set at AED 1 (USD 0.27).
  • Free Zone Entity (Branch): Operates as a branch office of an existing company, with no separate share capital required.

License Type in Dubai CommerCity

Dubai CommerCity offers a range of license types tailored to meet various business requirements:

  • products.
  • Service License: For businesses that provide specific services within their licensed scope.
  • Industrial License: Allows light industrial work, product assembly, and manufacturing.
  • E-Commerce License: For businesses selling goods or services online.
  • General Trading License: Covers a broad spectrum of trading activities.
  • Dual License with DED: This enables businesses to operate within DCC and hold a DED License without needing a mainland office.

Activities Available in Dubai CommerCity

Under the umbrella of the various license types, Dubai CommerCity delineates specific activity types to define the scope of business operations permitted within the free zone. With over 1500 business activities to choose from, entrepreneurs and companies can precisely align their operations with their business model.

Whether you want to engage in Industrial, Service, or other business activities, Dubai CommerCity offers a comprehensive list to suit your needs. You can explore the full list of these activities and find the perfect match for your e-commerce venture here.

The Three Clusters of Dubai CommerCity

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Dubai CommerCity stands out with its three innovative clusters designed to create a complete e-commerce environment.

Each zone within the clusters is crafted to meet the specific needs of different industries. This forms the backbone of a thriving e-commerce hub where safety, efficiency, and green sustainability are valued.

The Logistics Cluster

Right beside Dubai International Airport, the Logistics Cluster is a key point for regional distribution throughout the Middle East and North Africa. This area includes specialized facilities that improve logistics for e-commerce businesses, offering a strategic spot that supports fast order handling and effective delivery to the final destination.

E-commerce companies can use flexible warehouses shared with other clients and customizable Light Industrial Units (LIU). These options let businesses tailor their storage and distribution strategies to fit the ever-changing landscape of online commerce.

The Business Cluster

In the Business Cluster, companies find high-quality Grade A offices and modern structures surrounded by attractive landscaping that reflects forward-thinking design and commitment to international growth standards. This area supports diverse businesses and provides ample room to scale operations and strengthen customer relationships.

Businesses can access various leasing options, allowing them to modify their physical presence to align with their growth. This flexibility ensures the space evolves with the changing needs of growing companies.

The Social Cluster

The Social Cluster is designed as a lively blend of work and play, offering a space that improves the quality of life for those in the e-commerce sector. It’s a place where people can enjoy a variety of dining options, art displays, and spots to unwind.

This area is more than just a place to work; it’s where professional relationships grow through networking events and shared workspaces. It’s an innovative space where the addition of art galleries and creative venues encourages thinking that goes beyond the usual business activities.

Advantages of Business Setup in Dubai CommerCity

Dubai CommerCity brings multiple advantages to e-commerce businesses:

  • Central Location and Efficient Logistics: Next to Dubai International Airport, offering excellent worldwide links and full logistics solutions from storage to final delivery.
  • Advanced Infrastructure and Sustainable Operations: A platform for companies to excel in a tech-driven setting, with solar-powered storage reducing carbon footprint and costs.
  • Flexible Office Spaces and Effective Storage Solutions: Various choices to suit companies of different sizes, with innovative stock and inventory handling approaches.
  • Tailored E-Commerce Support and Business Formation: An environment crafted for online business success, with specialized services to ease the creation of new companies.
  • No-Tax Setup with Complete Ownership and Profit Transfer: Zero personal and corporate income tax for economic gain, full control over your business, and the freedom to send profits home.
  • Lively Community and Business Growth Environment: A place to live and work that encourages creativity and progress.
  • Effortless Business Establishment: An easy and fast business setup process.

Dubai CommerCity Setup Process

Dubai CommerCity offers a seamless and strategic setup process for your e-commerce business, ensuring a smooth transition into the region’s leading digital trade hub.

  • from a Public Limited Liability Company (PLLC), a Free Zone Company (FZC), or a Free Zone Entity (Branch).
  • Step 2: License Type Selection – Select the appropriate license for your business activities, including options such as Trade, Service, Industrial, E-Commerce, General Trading, or Dual License with DED.
  • Step 3: Product and Services Specification – Define the specific products and services your e-commerce business will offer, aligning with over 1500 available business activities.
  • Step 4: Submission of Contact Details – Provide essential contact information, including your first and last name and a mobile number to facilitate communication.

Let Us Help You Setup in Dubai CommerCity

Starting an e-commerce company in Dubai CommerCity is a key decision for your career. We provide clear and efficient guidance to streamline your business setup, from choosing the right license to securing the ideal workspace. Contact us to take advantage of the opportunities available at Dubai CommerCity.


What is Dubai CommerCity?

Dubai CommerCity is the first free zone in the Middle East dedicated exclusively to e-commerce. It is strategically located near Dubai International Airport and offers advanced infrastructure to facilitate the growth of online businesses.

What are the main areas within Dubai CommerCity?

Dubai CommerCity is organized into three clusters:
The Business Cluster, which features Grade A office spaces.
The Logistics Cluster, equipped with storage spaces and Light Industrial Units (LIU).
The Social Cluster, a vibrant area with retail outlets, dining options, and event venues.

What types of companies can be set up in Dubai CommerCity?

Companies can be set up as Public Limited Liability Companies (PLLC), Free Zone Companies (FZC), or Free Zone Entities (Branches).

What types of licenses are available in Dubai CommerCity?

Dubai CommerCity offers various licenses including:
Trade License
Service License
Industrial License
E-Commerce License
General Trading License
Dual License with the Dubai Economic Department (DED)

What business activities are permitted in Dubai CommerCity?

Over 1500 business activities are permitted, covering industrial, service, and various other sectors specific to e-commerce.

What are the benefits of setting up a business in Dubai CommerCity?

Benefits include:
Central location next to Dubai International Airport with efficient logistics.
Advanced infrastructure with sustainable operations.
Flexible office and storage solutions.
Specialized e-commerce support and easy business formation.
Tax-free environment with full ownership and profit repatriation.

How can one start a business in Dubai CommerCity?

The business setup process involves selecting the company type, choosing the appropriate business license, specifying products and services, and submitting contact details for further communication.

Are there any special facilities for logistics in Dubai CommerCity?

Yes, the Logistics Cluster offers flexible warehouses and customizable Light Industrial Units (LIU) which are key for e-commerce logistics, allowing for efficient storage and distribution strategies.

What makes the Social Cluster unique in Dubai CommerCity?

The Social Cluster is designed to blend work and leisure, offering dining options, art galleries, and spaces for networking and professional growth.

How does Dubai CommerCity support the growth of e-commerce businesses?

Dubai CommerCity supports e-commerce businesses with a complete ecosystem designed for online operations, including state-of-the-art facilities, specialized licenses, and a range of business activities tailored for digital commerce.

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